How to Take Care of those Pearls!


No, we don’t mean jewelry, but those string of pearl plants can be just as beautiful with these helpful tips!

  • The first trick is to find the right pot for them to blossom. These beauties need a well draining soil and a hanging clay pot with drainage holes.

  • They are easy to care for as they have shallow roots so won’t need to be repotted often.

  • We suggest hanging them near bright indirect light (not direct light as that can be too much), in a place that is warmer and not too drafty.

  • Now the trick to watering them is to always wait for the top two inches of soil to be dry before watering., which should be about every two weeks.

  • After you water, be sure to trim back any dead leaves to help new growth.

Now you can sit back and enjoy this beautiful hanging plant. They make great gifts too!


Winterizing Your Plants!


Keep Your Plants Healthy All Winter Long